Dear beneficiaries,
Assalammualaikum wr. wb
We appreciate that you take the time to complete this form below. Please note that your information will only be use solely for our Muhammadiyah’s food distribution/ zakat assistance purposes for this year.
Application period:Â 9 December 2024 – 1 February 2025.
A) Eligibility CriteriaÂ
-  Applicants must be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident.
- Only one applicant per family staying in the same household can apply.
- Applicant must be 25 years of age and above to apply.
- Applicant must not exceed per Capita Income (PCI) of $800.Â
B) Submission of DocumentsÂ
Please submit a scan copy of the following documents Â
- NRIC (front and back) of applicant and family members living in the same household.Â
- Birth certificate for children living in the same household, below 15 years old.
- Certificate of Marriage/ Divorce/ Death Certificate of Husband/Wife (where applicable). Â
- Applicant’s bank book stating account number (front page), or latest bank statement(s).
- Medical memo/report confirming illness/unable to work Temporary/Permanent (if any).
- Latest Payslip and/or 3 months CPF Transaction History for applicant and family members staying in the same household, 21 years and above.
- Declaration of any Financial Assistance received from MUIS/SSO Comcare (CDC) /others (if applicable).
C) Result of application will be notified via mail in February 2025.
D) Please ensure this form is completed with the requested documents. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Any queries, please contact us via Whatsapp message / call at 8354 2666.
Harap anda dapat isikan butiran peribadi anda di borang ini. Segala maklumat akan digunakan untuk pemberian habuan/ bantuan zakat oleh pihak Muhammadiyah bagi tahun ini.
Tempoh permohonan: 9hb December 2024 – 1hb Februari 2025.
Makluman Â
A)Â Kriteria Permohonan
-  Pemohon hendaklah memegang kad pengenalan Singapura berwarna merah atau biru.
- Hanya seorang pemohon dari keluarga yang tinggal serumah dibenarkan untuk memohon.
- Pemohon mesti berumur 25 tahun ke atas untuk memohon.
- Pendapatan per kapita (PCI) tidak melebihi $800.
B)Â Â Lampiran Dokumen-dokumen
Sila lampirkan salinan dokumen-dokumen berikut:
- NRIC (depan dan balakang)Â pemohon dan semua ahli keluarga yang tinggal serumah.
- Sijil Kelahiran bagi anak-anak yang tinggal serumah, di bawah 15 tahun.
- Sijil Nikah/Cerai/Kematian ahli keluarga pemohon.
- Buku bank pemohon yang menyatakan nombor akaun (muka depan), atau penyata bank terkini.
- Surat Doktor yang mengesahkan berpenyakit/tidak boleh bekerja sementara/sepenuh Masa (Jika ada).
- Surat gaji dan/atau Sejarah Transaksi CPF selama 3 bulan bagi pemohon dan SEMUA ahli keluarga yang sudah bekerja (yang tinggal serumah sahaja).
- Surat dari badan lain yang turut membantu pemohon (MUIS,COMCARE,dan lain-lain lagi).
C)  Keputusan permohonan akan dimaklumkan melalui pos pada Februari 2025.Â
D) Sila pastikan borang ini dilengkapkan dengan dokumen yang diperlukan. Permohonan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses. Sebarang pertanyaan lanjut, sila hubungi kami melalui talian whatsapp di 8354 2666.
Qns 1. What is the closing date for submission?
Application closing dates will be on 1 Februari 2025, 4 pm.
Qns 2: What time can applicants come to collect the forms?
Forms can be collected from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Qns 3: Can we collect the forms at Wisma Geylang Serai?
Yes, you can collect at our Kurnia office at Wisma Geylang Serai but only from 2pm till 5pm, every Monday to Friday.
Qns 4: Can we apply online?
Yes, you can visit the following link to download the form or apply online directly at this link beneficiary-form-2025/
Qns 5: When can we know the results of our application?
We will send a letter of approval once we have assessed your application after the closing date.
Qns 6: When will the applicant receive the habuan?
Result of application will be notified via mail in February 2025.
Qns 7: Is the habuan together with the zakat cash money?
Zakat money will be distributed through bank transfer. Only selected beneficiaries will receive the zakat money through cash mode.
Qns 8: Can the applicant request for delivery to be sent to the other family member’s home address?
All deliveries will be sent to the address declared in the application form. Applicants have to self-collect should the address differ.
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