Waspada Gejala Perosak Tauhid dan Iman

MEMPERCAYAI dan meyakini keesaan Allah asas keimanan orang Islam. Allah berfirman dalam Surah Al-Ikhlas: "Katakanlah (Muhammad), 'Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa. Allah tempat meminta segala sesuatu. (Allah) tidak beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada sesuatu...

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Fostering in Islam

The Fatwa Committee opines that adopting a child for families who are capable and ready to do so is a need that we cannot afford to ignore.Islam is a religion of rahmah (compassion). In Islam, every child is born with a pure natural disposition (fitrah), as reflected...

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I am a Muslim

“As a group, I want you to pen down, how do you perceive an ideal Muslim youth in Singapore’s context?” The question reverberated across the room during a work retreat that I attended with other mosques’ officials who are involved with youth work from the East Mosque...

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Benefiting the community together

since 1957


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