Every child deserves a place to call home.

Unfortunately, not every child has one.

As a foster parent, you would experience the joy of offering safety, stability and nurturance to children and young persons who need it the most: those who have been abused, neglected or even abandoned.

Muhammadiyah Association has been officially appointed as the 5th Fostering Agency by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) on 1 August 2019, to grow foster care in the community.

Under the name Projek Sinar Ihsan (translated as ‘Light of Empathy’), our rallying call to the community is captured through the tagline “Ihsan Digalas, Ihsan Dibalas” (translated as ‘Empathy Embraced, Empathy Rewarded)’. In essence, it means whoever shows the willingness to take care of children in need with empathy and sincerity, will receive spiritual benefits and blessings in return.

Project Sinar Ihsan reflects the commitment of Muhammadiyah Association to the belief that the best care for vulnerable children lies within a safe and stable family environment. Together with other community partners and MSF, we want to bring the important message of the need for foster care to our community, and encourage more families to step forward to care for these children in need.

Who are the children who require foster care?

• They may have been abused, neglected or abandoned.
• Their parents are imprisoned
• Their parents are unable to care for them due to physical or mental illness
• Death of one or both parents

Why foster families are preferred?

• Ideal for children to grow up in families
• Children are best cared for by parents who are able to meet their needs
• Personalised care and attention
• Allows child to develop healthy levels of trust and bonding

Role of foster parents

• To meet the child’s basic needs and shower them with love, care and nurturance
• Help and support services are available for foster parents

Length of foster care

• Ranges from a few months to a few years
• Varies from child to child, depending on his/her family situation

Criteria for Foster Parents

1. Be married and apply together as a couple

2. Be at least 25 years old 

3. Be financially stable and medically fit to care for children

4. Commit to provide a child-safe home environment. This includes refraining from the use of physical punishment such as caning or hitting. For foster parents caring for children below the age of 13, a child-safe environment includes having window grilles on all windows.

5. Have a minimum household income of $2,000 and a PCI of at least $700**

6. Resident of Singapore

7. Preferably have experience in caring for children

8. Medically fit to care for children

9. Have a secondary school education

*Examples of child-safe home environment include refraining from the use of physical punishment and installing of window grilles (for foster parents caring for foster children below the age of 13)

**PCI (Per Capita Income)
= (Total household income) / (Total number of people in the household)

Support Services by MSF

1. Training courses and support group

2. Emergency hotline after office hours

3. Consultation with MSF Officers

4. Fostering Allowance for the upkeep of the foster child

5. Medical Fee Exemption Card (MFEC)

6. Respite Care

7. Infant Care/Childcare Subsidies

Be an Activist

If you have no fostering experience but are committed to be advocates for greater community awareness and engagement in the fostering campaign.

Be an Ambassador

If you have fostering experience, either directly as foster parents, or adults who have had positive experiences with foster families.

Be an Foster Parent

If you are willing and capable to step forward and provide a safe home environment for these children to grow into well-rounded individuals.

Fill up this form here and we will contact you soon.

Fostering in Islam?

The Fatwa Committee opines that adopting a child for families who are capable and ready to do so is a need that we cannot afford to ignore. Islam is a religion of rahmah (compassion)…

Contact Us

Level 3 Kurnia@WGS, Wisma Geylang Serai, 1 Engku Aman Turn, Singapore 408528
Tel: 6634 6172  Whatsapp: 8408 4326 or via this link

Follow us on Facebook @ProjekSinarIhsan

Benefiting the community together

since 1957


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You can find us on these platforms too!


  • Asatizah Development
  • Free religious classes and programmes
  • Promoting positive moral values
  • Inter-faith dialogues
  • Combating extremism
  • Addressing societal issues


  • Muhammadiyah Kindergarten
  • KABA Weekend Madrasah
  • Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
  • Muhammadiyah Islamic College
  • Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)


  • Assistance to low-income families
  • Assistance to underprivilleged students
  • Jenazah Management Services
  • Projek Sinar Ihsan – Fostering Agency
  • Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH)
  • Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
  • Muhammadiyah Senior Activity Centre – SAC (Yishun)
  • Advance Care Planning (ACP)