Donate on the best of days with us
Schedule recurring donations to Muhammadiyah every Friday or any other dates of your choice.
Set it once, benefit multiple times
Multiply your blessings
“The example of those who spend their wealth the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.”
Al Quran 2:261
Multiply your Impact
Every year we benefit more than 15,000 individuals through our dakwah, education and welfare efforts.
These are made possible with the continuous support from kind and generous donors like you.

Set it Once, Benefit multiple times
Steps to donate:
1) Go to link :
2) Click continue and fill in your email address to receive the 6-digit login code in your inbox
3) Insert the 6-digit login code and start scheduling your donation
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Watch our video guide
Who We Have Benefited
approximate figures as of 2022
pre-school students
children & youths at-risk
madrasah & college students
elderly patients
migrant workers
low-income families
Benefiting the community together
since 1957
Follow Our Socials
You can find us on these platforms too!
- Asatizah Development
- Free religious classes and programmes
- Promoting positive moral values
- Inter-faith dialogues
- Combating extremism
- Addressing societal issues
- Muhammadiyah Kindergarten
- KABA Weekend Madrasah
- Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
- Muhammadiyah Islamic College
- Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)
- Assistance to low-income families
- Assistance to underprivilleged students
- Jenazah Management Services
- Projek Sinar Ihsan – Fostering Agency
- Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH)
- Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
- Muhammadiyah Senior Activity Centre – SAC (Yishun)
- Advance Care Planning (ACP)