“The best of charity is when a Muslim

man gains knowledge, then he teaches

it to his Muslim brother.”

— Hadith Nabawi, narrated by Ibn Majah

Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)

Started in 2010, the Muhammadiyah Scholarship programme aims to produce working professionals within the Malay Muslim community who are capable of mastering both Islamic and scientific fields of study. Later in 2012, Al-Fatih Scholarship was introduced and made exclusively for former residents of Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH) who are pursuing post-secondary education. An evaluation study conducted by MWH which showed that residents who had completed post-secondary education were less likely to re-offend.

Muhammadiyah Islamic College

With the establishment of MIC, local students who have completed their secondary education are able to pursue tertiary Islamic education here in Singapore. Since it started in 2000, it has produced 4 batches of graduates with Bachelors’ Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. MIC is registered with the Ministry of Education of Singapore and is an established and recognized private Islamic Educational Institution.

Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah

Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah (MAI) is one of the three madrasahs under the Joint Madrasah System in Singapore. It is an Islamic-inspired academic school that is focused on nurturing students who excel academically, are grounded in Islamic values, and are connected to the community with a keen sense of service.

Muhammadiyah Kindergarten

In 1981, the institution was established in response to the need for a structured and formal Islamic education for the young within our Muslim community. As one of the first few Islamic kindergarten to be set up almost 40 years ago, MK’s mission has always been to nurture our future khalifahs holistically, inculcating Islamic values at the very early age.

KABA Weekend Madrasah

Kelas Asas Bimbingan Agama (KABA) is a weekend Madrasah that provides Islamic education for children and youths who are studying in government schools. Our unique education system focuses on instiling Islamic knowledge and values for primary  school students up to tertiary level. KABA has been recognized by MUIS as a Muslim Religious School.

Educating Our Community

pre-school students

Madrasah & College students

bursary recipients

Benefiting the community together

since 1957


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You can find us on these platforms too!


  • Asatizah Development
  • Free religious classes and programmes
  • Promoting positive moral values
  • Inter-faith dialogues
  • Combating extremism
  • Addressing societal issues


  • Muhammadiyah Kindergarten
  • KABA Weekend Madrasah
  • Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
  • Muhammadiyah Islamic College
  • Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)


  • Assistance to low-income families
  • Assistance to underprivilleged students
  • Jenazah Management Services
  • Projek Sinar Ihsan – Fostering Agency
  • Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH)
  • Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
  • Muhammadiyah Senior Activity Centre – SAC (Yishun)
  • Advance Care Planning (ACP)