“You are the best of people ever raised up for mankind;
you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong
and you believe in Allah” Â
— Holy Qur’an, Surah Ali Imran 3:110
The main mission of our Dakwah (missionary) efforts has always been to uphold and implement Islamic values, culture and the way of life in accordance with the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Muhammadiyah Association seeks to achieve this by carrying out various activities, classes, publications and leveraging on various digital media available today.



Dakwah Calendar
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Read Our Articles
Browse through our blog for articles addressing current societal issues
Dakwah: Our Efforts Forward
As a Muslim organization in a contemporary and multi-religious nation, we see our Dakwah efforts to have a much bigger role to play in the community. While its essence remains firm in upholding and propagating the true teachings and values of Islam to the Muslim community, its moral values can bring a positive effect to the society at large and for them to appreciate the correct perception of our religion.
Muslim Community
- Upholding true teachings of Islam based on the Quran and Sunnah
- Efforts to inculcate positive moral values;
- Seeking and broadening their knowledge
- Manifest knowledge to do good deeds
- Strengthen relationships
- Empowered with progressive mindset
The Society
- Promoting positive moral values
- Inter-faith dialogues
- Combating extremism
- Addressing societal issues
Benefiting the community together
since 1957
Follow Our Socials
You can find us on these platforms too!
- Asatizah Development
- Free religious classes and programmes
- Promoting positive moral values
- Inter-faith dialogues
- Combating extremism
- Addressing societal issues
- Muhammadiyah Kindergarten
- KABA Weekend Madrasah
- Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
- Muhammadiyah Islamic College
- Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)
- Assistance to low-income families
- Assistance to underprivilleged students
- Jenazah Management Services
- Projek Sinar Ihsan – Fostering Agency
- Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH)
- Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
- Muhammadiyah Senior Activity Centre – SAC (Yishun)
- Advance Care Planning (ACP)