Dengan Berzakat, Bertambah Berkat, Bertambah Rahmat

Muhammadiyah akan mengagihkan Zakat yang diterima kepada semua 8 asnaf melalui program-program dan khidmat Dakwah, Pendidikan dan Kebajikan. Setiap tahun, usaha-usaha kami bersama dapat memberi manfaat kepada lebih daripada 10,000 individu secara purata.

This Month’s Nisab Value (JANUARY, 2025)

Zakat Harta

Fidyah ($6/Day)

Fidyah is being calculated as $6 per day. For your fidyah payment, follow the formula below: < Number of days> x $6 = < Amount to be contributed>

Who Are You Helping?

Mdm Rokiah (not her real name), 72 years old

Beneficiary of Muhammadiyah’s welfare assistance

Sole caregiver to her husband who underwent a spinal cord
surgery more than 20 years ago. 

“Thank you to Muhammadiyah for always willing to lend a hand to those
in need, like my husband and I.”

Elmi Hamidah Sully

Student of Muhammadiyah Islamic College Degree in Syariah Islamiah

“Muhammadiyah Islamic College helps you learn, change and grow to
become a better person and Muslim.”


Mdm Hasnah (not her real name), 72 years old

Beneficiary of Muhammadiyah’s welfare assistance
Living alone in her 3-room flat since her husband’s passing 9 years ago, she receives support from her children but relies on organisations like Muhammadiyah at times to cover monthly expenses and outstanding medical bills.
To Mdm Hasnah, the help that she receives not only benefits her alone, but also an opportunity for her to share with her family and neighbours.

Individu Setahun

Muhammadiyah dapat memberi manfaat dan impak kepada mereka yang memerlukan.
  • Kelas Pengajian
  • Kursus Agama
  • Pembangunan Asatizah
  • Tadika Muhammadiyah
  • Kolej Islam Muhammadiyah
  • Madrasah Mingguan dan Sepenuh Masa
  • Biasiswa Muhammadiyah
  • Bantuan Keluarga Fakir & Miskin
  • Bantuan Pelajar Kurang Berkemampuan
  • Rumah Kebajikan Muhammadiyah (MWH)
  • Pusat Kesihatan dan Jagaan Siang untuk Warga Tua (MHCC)
  • dan lain-lain lagi



Scan this PayNow QR code
UEN No: S58SS0020C

Billing Reference Input:
“Zakat <your contact number>”
Send screenshot via WhatsApp to 8408 4326 if you need a receipt.


Cross cheque to

Write your Name, Contact Number and Purpose on the reverse, and mail it to 14 Jalan Selamat, S(418534)


Transfer to our
DBS Account: 017-005202-0

Indicate the purpose of donation e.g. ‘Zakat’ in the remarks field and send a screenshot via WhatsApp to 8408 4326.

Home Collection

Contact us at 6242 7388 or WhatsApp at 8408 4326 to make an appointment.

We accept cash and NETS.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is eligible to pay zakat?

has full ownership of his wealth
The nisab is met
The haul is met

What is the difference between zakat and donation?
Zakat and donations (sadaqah) are forms of charity given by Muslims. The two are different in their own respects.
Zakat means growth, purification and blessings in Arabic. Donation or Sadaqah means a sign of sincerity of faith.
While Zakat is obligatory, sadaqah is voluntary. Zakat, which is one of the five pillars of Islam, is obligated to be given out once certain conditions are met and distributed to certain groups of recipients only (asnaf).
On the other hand, there are no preconditions for sadaqah. It can be given out at anytime to anyone.
What is nisab?
Nisab is the market value of 86 grams of gold or 600 grams or its cash equivalent. It is the minimum amount of wealth or property/assets that must be owned by a Muslim before they are obliged to pay Zakat.
As the value of gold and silver fluctuates, please refer to MUIS website for the latest figures.
What is fidyah?
Fidyah is the price that a Muslim has to pay to make ammends for missing out on obligatory acts of worship that are prescribed such as not able to fast due to ill-health, pregnancy or nursing a child.

Fidyah is a penalty that a person has to pay for missing certain religious obligations due to valid reasons. For example, missing the fast during Ramadhan due to sickness, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What is haul?
A haul is the possession of the wealth/assets for one Hijrah year or 355 days.
Will I receive a receipt for my zakat transaction?

Yes, all donations to Muhammadiyah will be issued with a receipt.

My savings did not meet the haul or the nisab. Can I insist to pay the zakat?
You do not have to pay zakat as you did not meet the conditions of zakat. To continue support Muhammadiyah’s mission in other ways, you may donate to Muhammadiyah instead.
You are not obligated to pay Zakat as the conditions are not met. However, you may choose to donate to us to benefit our programmes and services for the community.
I am enquiring on Zakat on Income. Do we have to pay Zakat on our monthly salary?
In Singapore, Zakat on Salary or Income is not obligatory as currently, there is not a fatwa on such an obligation.
Source: MUIS
Which day of the month should I take to calculate my Zakat on Savings? Every end of the month? During payday? Every start of Islamic month?
Zakat on Savings is based on 2.5% of the lowest savings balance in a haul which is 355 Gregorian calendar days. This period of 355 days is different for each individual and does not have to be from pay day to pay day, Ramadan to Ramadan, or Jan to Dec. If for example your haul is from Feb to Jan the following year, the Zakat will be based on 2.5% of the lowest balance that you have from Feb to Jan. The haul is determined by the nisab value. If in one year, your savings balance does not fall below the nisab value, then you have the haul in existence. If at any point in time your savings balance drops below the nisab, there is no haul. So for some people, they do not have to pay Zakat as their haul is always broken and never completes a full Hijrah year. The nisab value, which is used to determine if there is a haul, is the nisab value at the end of the 355 days period.
Source: MUIS
Do you accept zakat fitrah?
Muhammadiyah does not accept zakat fitrah at this time.
Do you accept fidyah?

Yes you can also make your Fidyah payments to Muhammadiyah. The rate of fidyah payment is around $6 per day (According to the price of one meal [Rice/Bread and side dishes]).

How do you determine the nisab?
Muhammadiyah conforms to the monthly nisab as set by MUIS. You may refer to the MUIS website to check the latest figures.
Is my zakat to Muhammadiyah tax-deductible?

Donations to Muhammadiyah Association are not tax-deductible.

I have a life insurance, health insurance and home protection insurance. Do I have to pay Zakat for all these insurance or only on the life insurance?
Currently, Zakat on Insurance is only applicable for Insurance in the form of savings endowment – where the intention is to grow the wealth in savings. Hence for your situation, there is no Zakat for all 3 of your insurance plans.
Source: MUIS
Can one pay zakat using interest monies?
Interest monies are considered syubhah and cannot be used for personal expenses. Therefore, it is not permissible to be used to pay one’s zakat obligation.
Source: MUIS
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept your zakat through cash, NETS, cheque, online payment (debit card), bank transfer and PayNow.
I am unsure how to calculate my zakat. Will Muhammadiyah calculate it for me?
Yes, please contact our office at 8408 4326 or send an email to [email protected]

Benefiting the community together

since 1957


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  • Muhammadiyah Kindergarten
  • KABA Weekend Madrasah
  • Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah
  • Muhammadiyah Islamic College
  • Biasiswa Muhammadiyah (Scholarship)


  • Assistance to low-income families
  • Assistance to underprivilleged students
  • Jenazah Management Services
  • Projek Sinar Ihsan – Fostering Agency
  • Muhammadiyah Welfare Home (MWH)
  • Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
  • Muhammadiyah Senior Activity Centre – SAC (Yishun)
  • Advance Care Planning (ACP)